Statewide Colorado Census records that exist are 1860 (Kansas,Nebraska, New Mexico and Utah territories), 1870, 1880, 1890 (fragment, see below), 1900, 1910, 1920, 1930 and 1940.
There are Industry and Agriculture Schedules 1860, 1870 and 1880. The Mortality Schedules for the years 1860, 1870 and 1880. The Union Veterans Schedules exist for 1890.
In 1860, multiple territorial censuses were taken. Many of them included parts of what is now Colorado.
For example, the census for Kansas Territory covered Arapahoe County, in central eastern Colorado. Nebraska Territory’s census, meanwhile, covered the following sections of Colorado: Boulder City, Boulder Creek Settlement, Gold Hill Settlement, Miraville City, Platte River Settlement .
Both the Kansas and Nebraska censuses from 1860 included parts of Denver City. Mora and Taos, New Mexico census records, meanwhile, included portions of southeast Colorado.
Leadville, which was a busy mining center at the time, was not enumerated at all and it was considered to be part of Utah Territory at the time.
Colorado Territory was formed in 1861. At that time, voters were registered. The Colorado State Archives has those original poll books on file, but only males are listed in them.

In 1866, another Colorado census was taken, however, most of those records no longer exist. Only the section that included northeastern Colorado still exists today.
Parts of Yuma and Washington County were listed in it, along with all of Sedgwick, Weld, Logan, Phillips, and Morgan. Those records are at the Colorado State Archives in a document that lists females under and over 18, along with males under and over 21.
A special federal census was taken in 1885. It included not only population information, but also information on manufacturing and agriculture. It also includes mortality returns.
Those records can be found in multiple places, including the National Archives/Rocky Mountain Region, the Colorado State Archives, the Denver Public Library, and the Colorado Historical Society.
There are abridged copies located in some counties. Those copies appear to be indexes because they list residents in alphabetical order. These abridged copies don’t include all of the data from the original or refer researchers to pages in the original, though. Therefore, anyone trying to do in-depth research should consult the original records.
Searchable Colorado Census Databases
- Colorado, State Census, 1885 – Name index and images of population schedules listing the inhabitants of the state of Colorado. The 1885 census was taken with the assistance of the United States Government.
- Navajo Springs, Colorado Ute Census, 1904-08 – Established in 1892, the Fort Lewis Indian School, located just 14 miles south and west of Durango, Colorado, operated for 18 years before being closed by the Federal Government in 1910. This database is a collection of records prepared by the school superintendents between 1904 and 1908. Each record reveals the individual’s Native American and English name along with information regarding sex, age and relationship to the head of household. With nearly 3400 entries, this can be a great aid to researchers of Native American ancestors.
- 1930 Colorado Federal Census – The 1930 census schedules are arranged by state or territory and then by county. All 48 states are included, plus the territories of Alaska and Hawaii, as well as the District of Columbia and U.S. possessions like Puerto Rico.
- Colorado Census Books