Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness (RAOGK)
Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness (RAOGK) is a global volunteer organization.
The purpose of this site is to help others obtain copies of documents, pictures of tombstones, etc., that can not be obtained easily by those who do not live in the area of their ancestors.
At one time there were thousands of volunteers in every U.S. state and many international locations. They helped thousands of researchers all over the world.
Is this your first visit to Random Acts of Genealogical Kindness? We want your visit to be a successful one.
We also provide U.S., State by State and County by County Research guides. In these you will find resources and information that can be found.
Genealogy Books for Sale
I am raising money by selling my genealogy library. I have a list of books for sale at https://raogk.org/books/
Email me if you are interested in a book or I can bundle deal multiple books…. All are dealing with southerner states .
Our staff has put together a FAQ and a list of Guidelines for Requesters and Volunteers below.
Federal, State, County and local Records
The records below will inform you of what type of records can by found in each area, dates of availability and addresses, links and contact info to those records.
For many families, understanding their own ancestry is very important. But, it can be hard to go back more than just a couple of generations.
So, it is a good idea to know what resources you have to get the job done. Genealogical research in each state is helped by great research facilities and records for family trees.
Where available, these records often include helpful details about your ancestors and their families and allow you to pinpoint their location at a particular point in time.
While the questions in census records vary from place to place, and year to year, you can find information like names of other household members, ages, birthplaces, residence, occupation, immigration and citizenship details, marriage information, military service and more. LEARN MORE ABOUT CENSUS RECORDS