Wyoming vital records includes birth, death, stillbirth, marriage and divorce records. Records are registered with either the local county register in which they were filed or from the Wyoming Department of Health.

Wyoming Birth Certificates

Wyoming began recording birth records in July 1909. Birth Records that are over 100 years old should be ordered from Wyoming State Archives. Birth records were rarely kept by counties before that year. Most of the early births filed at the state office are delayed birth registrations.

Certified copies of birth, marriage, and death certificates for the period after 1909 are available from the Vital Records Services. In cases where specific information is unknown, Wyoming Department of Health officials can check an alphabetical index. However, the researcher may be charged a per-hour fee for that service.

Pre-1909 Births

Though the State of Wyoming did not begin to keep track of births until 1909, a early birth record may still be available.

Delayed Birth Certificates are issued by the Department of Health for births that happened long before the certificate was issued (ex. issued in 1940 for a birth in 1910). In the early years, eye-witness testimony (doctors, midwives, parents, close relatives) was accepted as documentation. Today, the applicant must provide at least two documents that were created more than 5 years before their application was submitted and include their name, date of birth and, preferably, place of birth.

Local birth registers: Some communities registered births at the local or county level prior to 1909. Most of these have been transferred to the Wyoming State Archives and a listing of names is available on-site or by request.

How to order a Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate

Wyoming Marriage Certificates

Beginning in 1941, Wyoming began recording marriages on the state level. Prior to that, recording marriages was the responsibility of each county’s clerk where the license was issued.

The Wyoming State Archives and Historical Department has all available marriage records from the years of 1869 through 1970 for all Wyoming counties.

All Wyoming marriage records from 1869 to 1970 are available from the Wyoming State Archives and Historical Department for all Wyoming counties.

The Family History Library (FHL) has Wyoming, Marriages, 1877-1920 index to marriage records from the state of Wyoming. This set contains 14,070 records.

Wyoming Divorce Certificates

Beginning in 1941, Wyoming began recording divorces on the state level. Prior to that, District court clerks were responsible for keeping early divorce records where the divorce took place.

Wyoming Death Certificates

Wyoming began recording Death certificates since July 1909. Death records were rarely kept by counties before that year. Death records that are older than 50 years old should be ordered from the Wyoming State Archives.

The Wyoming State Archives website has a Death Certificate Database index begins with death certificates filed in 1909 and ends with death certificates filed more than 50 years ago (work in progress). Available for pre-1939 certificates.

Pre-1909 Deaths

Though the State of Wyoming did not begin to keep track of deaths until 1909, a death record may still be available

  • Delayed Death Certificates: These are issued by the Department of Health for deaths that happened long before the certificate was issued (ex. issued in 1940 for a death in 1910). This was not usually done unless it was needed as legal proof of a death. In most cases, other records sufficed.
  • Local Death Registers: Some communities registered deaths at the local or county level prior to 1909. Most of these have been transferred to the Wyoming State Archives and a listing of names is available on-site or by request.

Wyoming Vital Records Services Office, issues, documents, and stores certified copies of vital records including birth, marriage, divorce death certificates for occurrences that took place in Wyoming.  To verify current fees and information the telephone number is (307) 777-7591.

  • Ordering Wyoming Birth Certificates: The State Vital Records Services Office has birth records from 1909 to present. The fee for birth certified copy are $13.
  • Ordering Wyoming Marriage, Divorce and Death Certificates: The State Vital Records Services Office has Marriage, Divorce and Death records from previous 50 years to present records more than 50 years old should be obtained from the Wyoming State Archives(see below). The fee for marriage and divorce certified copy are $13, deaths are $10.
    • For earlier marriage records, contact the County Clerk in the county where the license was issued.
    • For earlier divorce records, contact the Clerk of District Court in the county where the divorce was granted.

How to Order Wyoming Vital Records

  • Physical Address: Vital Records Services, Hathaway Building, Cheyenne, WY 82002; (307) 777-7591; Fax: (307) 635-4103. All mail orders should include a Personal check or money order made payable to Vital Statistics Services. Do not send cash.
  • Website Address: http://www.health.wyo.gov/
  • Ordering Vital Records Online – get the certificates within 2-5 days with a credit or debit card from USAVital.com or VitalChek.com.
  • Ordering Vital Records by Mail: You can download an application online for Wyoming Birth CertificateMarriage or Divorce CertificateDeath Certificate Applications. Please allow up to 4-6 weeks for processing of all type of certificates ordered through the mail.

Wyoming State Archives