Texas Vital Statistics / Records
Texas Vital Statistics/ Records consist of births, adoptions, marriages, divorces, and deaths recorded on registers, certificates, and documents. United States Vital Records has more research tips on finding and using vital records.
A certified copy or an extract of most original records can be ordered from the Texas Vital Records State Department of Health or the County Clerk's office of the county where the event occurred.
Information listed on any vital records is given by an informant. Find out the relationship between the informant and the people listed on the vital record. The closer the relationship of the informant to the person and if the informant was present at the time of the event can help determine how accurate of the information is that is found on the vital record.
If you are unable to locate a vital record recorded by Texas county or state government, try searching for church records of christening, marrriage, death or burial. Also family bibles may have been used to record births, marriages and deaths.
Aslso federal records can be used. For example, the U.S., Social Security Death Index, 1935-2014Â currently contains over 94 million records. The database is created from Social Security Administration records of people who have died, possessed social security numbers and whose deaths were reported to the Social Security Administration.
MORE:Â Everything You Need to Know About Texas Death Certificates
Privacy laws restrict your access to some vital records. For example, copies of birth certificates recorded in the last 75 years are unavailable to anyone except a direct relative.
MORE:Â Everything You Need to Know About Texas Birth Certificates
Search for Vital Records online. Most online resources for Texas Vital Records are indexes. After locating a person in an index always consult the original record to confirm the information in the index.
Texas Department of State Health Services Vital Statistics Unit

The Texas Department of State Health Services Vital Statistics Unit maintains vital records for the state of Texas, including:
- Birth Certificates
- Death Certificates
- Marriage liscence / Coupon verifications
- Divorce Decree / Coupon verifications
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