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Online Sources
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I have worldwide access to genealogical website and able to assist
Celia Haupt
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Types of Lookups
Cemetery Photos, State / Local Society, State / Local Archive, Vital Records
Johannesburg, South Africa; Gauteng, South Africa
South Africa
www.stae-sa.com/free volunteer program
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Ghana, South Africa, Togo, Benin, Cameroon, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Malawi, Mali, Kenya
Brief Directory Description
Our program is for everyone at 16 years old and above. Our programs are designed to make volunteering very easy, free for groups, families and affordable for individuals. You are never alone on the program. We are is always there with you until the end of the program. You will also have the opportunity of meeting other volunteers from other countries. Your placement is amazing, your accommodation and meals awesome, your host family is great and the communities are lovely. Our programs are all year round program. You can join us at any time of the year and make a great difference in the program. You don't need to have previous experience to join us. This is the program that will give you lots of great experience. The fun is really amazing. Our volunteers find it very difficult to leave at the end of the program.
Teach in schools in Africa
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Medical program, human rights program, teaching program, micro-finance program, medical outreach program, small business program, construction, orphanage and water and sanitation www.stae-sa.com
South Africa