RAOGK Volunteer Lookup Directory
Before submitting your request, please read the Guidelines For making Requests page on how to submit your requests, along with other information.
- Try to be as specific in your requests as possible and avoid asking for generalized searches.
- Make sure your email address is correct or the volunteer will be unable to contact you.
- Do NOT ask a volunteer to do anything outside of his/her area or to do anything for which he has not volunteered.
- Do NOT request the same information from every volunteer listed in the area of your research.
- Please Rate and Leave a Thank You in the Rating section at the bottom of the Volunteer listing page.
Worldwide Volunteer Directory
Brief Directory Description
Willing to do look ups in the local history section of Dover Library (Kent, England) and also online research
Brief Directory Description
Cemetery pictures, pictures of buildings/houses, some look-ups (preferably you have the source in mind)
Located in SW Lake County, can also do NW Cook County
Located in SW Lake County, can also do NW Cook County
United States Volunteers
Brief Directory Description
Able to do look ups at the local library, as well as cemetery visits
United States Volunteers