RAOGK Volunteer Lookup Directory
Before submitting your request, please read the Guidelines For making Requests page on how to submit your requests, along with other information.
- Try to be as specific in your requests as possible and avoid asking for generalized searches.
- Make sure your email address is correct or the volunteer will be unable to contact you.
- Do NOT ask a volunteer to do anything outside of his/her area or to do anything for which he has not volunteered.
- Do NOT request the same information from every volunteer listed in the area of your research.
- Please Rate and Leave a Thank You in the Rating section at the bottom of the Volunteer listing page.
Worldwide Volunteer Directory
- -United States (1114)
- Africa (4)
- Asia (4)
- Australia (30)
- Canada (56)
- Europe (29)
- Mexico (1)
- New Zealand (10)
- North America (2)
- Professional Researchers (1)
- South America (5)
- United Kingdom (53)