I can find documents, obits, and books in the local libraries/archives and either will copy or scan when feasible (I have a handheld scanner). i can also take photos/look for headstones at local cemeteries and historic sites. In addition, I can look up info in books that I own. I will only charge for fees that I have to pay (such as postage, copies, parking, etc). If total is minimal then I most likely won't worry about reimbursement but if there's a lot of copies needed or parking is more than a few dollars, then will need reimbursement.
Books I own:
Nine to Ninety by Hobby Robinson
Mish-Mash by Hobby Robinson
Across the Alley by Hobby Robinson
Apron Strings by Hobby Robinson
Every One Means Something to Someone by Hobby Robinson
Remember When...filling stations and grocery stores by Jack & Jeddie Hensley
Commemorative Book - Elkton Diamond Jubilee 1908-1983 by Billie Jo Monger
Heartbeats of Nelson by Paul Saunders
Down on the Farm by Paul Saunders
Four Families of Amherst and Nelson Counties, Virginia - Bolling/Bowling, Campbell, Massie, & Maddox by Shirley Thompson Craft
Life in the Blue Ridge - A Folk History of the Wiatt Campbell, George Hight, James Ramsey, and William Bradley families of Montebello, Piney River, and South Mountain Virginia by Lyle Campbell
Roar of the Heavens by Stefan Bechtel
Augusta County History 1865-1950 by Richard K. MacMaster
Mills of Augusta County by Janet Baugher Downs and Earl J. Downs with Nancy Sorrells
The Staunton, Virginia Anthology by Charles Culbertson
Staunton, Virginia: A Treasury of Historic Tales by Charles Culbertson
Staunton, Virginia: Another Treasury of Historic Tales by Charles Culbertson
It Happened Around Staunton in Virginia by Gladys B. Clem
Staunton, Virginia - Vignettes from the Shenandoah Valley's Queen City by Albert Leichter (have vol. I and II)
Waynesboro Days of Yore by Curtis L. Bowman, Sr. (have both volumes)
A History of Waynesboro, Virginia to 1900 by George R. Hawke
The Heartland - Rockingham County by Nancy B. Hess
History of Our Simmons Family through 10 Generations by Manfred Elliston Simmons, M.D.
Genealogical Record of The Hodges Family of New England, Ending Dec. 31, 1894 by Almon D. Hodges, Jr.
From Ships Destroyed to Ships Enjoyed - One Man's Experiences at Sea from Pearl Harbor to the Captain's Table by Rear Admiral John Harllee
The First Hundred Years 1873-1973 - White Cloud Area, Michigan
One Thousand Years of Hubbard History 866-1895 by Edward Warren Day