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Types of Lookups
Online Sources, Courthouse Documents, Cemetery Photos, State / Local Library, Vital Records
Rutherford and Cleveland Counties
Brief Directory Description
Local resident volunteering to do research in my area for those of you that cannot travel here.
Volunteer Research Description

I will be happy to look up vital records, other information about your ancestor that is available from Register of Deeds school records, hospital records that are open to the public. There may be a stipulation that they need permission to release the records. etc. I will also be happy to take Cemetery photos, and photos of public buildings, (schools, houses, etc.) I will only charge for gas, if I need to drive over 10 miles to the location. If there are charges for info, I will let you know before I proceed. Other wise I am happy to go hunting other folks ancestors.

Contact Email
United States Volunteers
North Carolina


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