I can do most searches for Caddo Parish records online, will only charge any fee for copies that the Clerk's office charges me. I also have a lot of experience in land records and can find plats and maps to give more context as to the area your ancestors lived. Forrest Park Cemetery and Greenwood Cemetery are easiest for me to get to. Other cemeteries may take me a little longer to find time to get to.
I have access to a lot of books on local history, some dealing with the Parish as a whole, but many dealing with Shreveport specifically. Looking into these may take some time as there are so many.
We also have a great local archive at LSUS. I am willing to go there as well, but this will also require more time and may take me longer to fufill your request.
I am looking forward to helping you complete your family tree!
Lindsey Kiper2020-01-16T17:25:20+00:00
Brief Directory Description
Caddo Parish probate, marriage and land records. Cemetery Pictures from Forest Park, Greenwood (in Shreveport). Have many books on Caddo Parish history.
Volunteer Research Description
United States Volunteers