The benefits and significance of Maine military records in family history and genealogical research for ancestors that were veterans are evident but Maine military records can also be crucial to researchers whose immediate ancestors weren’t soldiers in any war. Due to the volume of genealogical information and facts covered in some Maine military pension files they ought to not be disregarded throughout the research process.Massachusetts Military Records need to be consulted for all wars that pre-date Maine’s statehood. Yearly Civil War soldier reports were published based on the Maine adjutant general’s holdings and included militia lists. The Maine State Archives is home to records from World War I and World War II. It is also home to unpublished Spanish-American War records. Service records through World War I, Civil War soldier card indexes, and grave records for War of 1812, Civil War, and Revolutionary War soldiers can all be found at the Maine State Archives as well. Veterans who served in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War are also listed according to town of residence.
- Maine Military Records (Fold3.com)
- Maine, Veterans Cemetery Records, 1676-1918 (familysearch.org) Card file of veteran cemetery records located at the Maine State Archives. Cards are arranged by war then alphabetical by surname. The index cards may contain dates of birth, death and place of death and burial. The Index covers King Philip’s War through World War I.
- Maine, Compiled Military Records, 1812-1865 (search.ancestry.com) This database contains an index extracted from various Maine military records from the War of 1812 through the Civil War and Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) records from 1937. This index provides numerous details extracted from records on three different groups of men: soldiers from Maine who served in the War of 1812, Maine sailors who enlisted in the Navy primarily in the years 1861–1865, and men from New England who served in CCC camps in Maine and New Hampshire in 1937. Index entries can include (depending on the original record type)
- Maine Military Record Books (amazon.com)
Maine in the Colonial War
Colonial War Website Links
- Maine Colonial War Books (amazon.com)
Maine in the Revolutionary War
Revolutionary War Website Links
- Research in the Revolutionary War 1775-1783 (uswars.net)
- Organized military Maine units in the Revolutionary War (uswars.net)
- Revolutionary War links from fold3.comwith original data from the National Archives:
- Maine Final Payment Vouchers Index for Military Pensions, 1818-1864 These slips serve as an index to final and last payments to over 65,000 veterans of the Revolutionary War and some later wars.
- Massachusetts Revolutionary War Pensions Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land Warrant Application Files.
- Massachusetts Revolutionary War Prize Cases – Captured Vessels Prize cases heard on appeal from Colonial and state courts by the Continental Congress and the Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture.
- Massachusetts Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 Muster rolls, payrolls, strength returns, and other miscellaneous personnel, pay, and supply records of American Army units, 1775-83.
- Massachusetts Revolutionary War Service Records Compiled service records of soldiers who served in the American Army during the Revolutionary War, 1775-1783.
- Revolutionary War links from http://search.ancestry.com:
- Maine, Revolutionary War Land Grants, 1776-1780 – This database contains an index to Revolutionary War land grant and pension applications held by the Maine State Archives. This database is an index of veterans and widows who applied for these land grants. It lists names, residence, and the source for the application documents. The abbreviations in the source column stand for Maine = Maine Land Grant, Mass. = Massachusetts Land Grant, HCCR = Hancock County Court Records, LCCR = Lincoln County Court Records, YCCR = York County Court Records. Copies of the applications can be obtained for a fee from the Maine State Archives
- Maine Revolutionary War Bounty Applications, 1835-36 – A part of Massachusetts throughout the American Revolutionary War, Maine nonetheless provided land bounties to many veterans of the war. Taken from land records in state custody, this database contains the names of veterans who applied for land bounties in 1835 and 1836. In addition to providing the soldier’s name, it includes information regarding the enlistee’s residence, and marital status at time of filing. It also indicates whether the widow or another inheritor was for the bounty. It contains the names of over 1,000 men who completed applications. For those persons seeking ancestors from early New England, this can be a useful database.
- An Alphabetical Index of Revolutionary Pensioners Living in Maine
- Names of Soldiers of the American Revolution
[from Maine]
Maine in the War of 1812
War of 1812 Website Links
- Research in the War of 1812 1812-1815 (uswars.net)
- Maine War of 1812 Books (amazon.com)
Maine in the Civil War
Civil War Website Links
- Research in the Civil War 1861-1865
- Civil War links from fold3.com with original data from the National Archives:
- Maine Civil War Infantry Regiments and Units
- Maine Civil War Cavalry Regiments and Units
- Maine Civil War Artillery Regiments and Units
- Civil War links from ancestry.com:
- U.S., Confederate Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865 – This database contains an index to compiled service records (CSRs) for soldiers who served with units in the Confederate army. Most of the men whose names appear in this index served with units from 15 different states or territories; others were soldiers raised directly by the Confederate government, generals and staff officers, and other enlisted men not associated with a regiment. Compiled service records are files of cards that abstract original military records relating to an individual soldier. A typical CSR will include an envelope that lists a soldier’s name, rank, unit, and card numbers, followed by cards with details extracted from muster rolls, rosters, hospital rolls, Union prison records, payrolls, and other records, with a new card being created each time a soldier’s name appeared on a new document. The CSRs may also include original documents pertaining to the soldier. The CSRs do not constitute an exhaustive list of all men who served in the Confederate army.
- U.S., Union Soldiers Compiled Service Records, 1861-1865
- Eastern Maine and the rebellion : being an account of the principal local events in eastern Maine during the war
- Maine Civil War Books (amazon.com)
Maine Modern Wars
War Website Links
- Maine Military Men, 1917-1918 (search.ancestry.com) One of the largest armed conflicts in human history, World War One involved soldiers from the United States beginning in 1917. This database is a collection of military records for men who served in the war from Maine. Originally compiled in 1929, it provides the names for men who served in the army, navy, and marines. A list of nurses is also included. In addition to providing the individual’s name, it reveals city of residence, unit of service, birth date or age, and other helpful facts. It also contains the location and date of enlistment and discharge information. The names of about 36,300 men are included in the collection. For researchers of Maine ancestors who may have served in the “Great War,” this can be an informative database.